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World Landmine News
Speech by LSN Jordan Director Adnan Aboudi to UN delegates

I would like to introduce myself, I am Adnan Aboudi representing Landmine Survivors Network in Jordan. LSN is an international non-governmental organization. Started in 1997, it was created by survivors to help other survivors and people with limb loss. It is providing comprehensive rehabilitation based on the most essential life elements - social, economic, medical, cultural, sports.

LSN advocates for survivors to identify their rights and encourage them to participate in all phases of making decisions that affect them. In addition, LSN works to provide psychological support to survivors through peer support – survivor supports survivor – families to families or child to child. LSN sponsors social activities for survivors and their families to share their feelings and experiences.

It is not important to have the newest model of an expensive prosthetic but it is important to educate the survivor on how to manage his new life; LSN helps him to get vocational training, and also educates him on how to care for his residual limb. These are the essential elements that aid in resuming life after surviving a trauma.

Most of people with disability in my country live in darkness, they do not know their rights, they need many things become aware of these rights.

For example, our local law in Jordan stated we must employ 2% PWD in public and private organizations, but there is no obligation to hire them. That means they do not have the right to have job opportunities.

These are some important issues and rights that must be given to any human to live his life without asking for handouts or sympathy. We are all born equally, freedom and justice; this is where we were and what we need today.

Thanks for listening

Posted: Friday, September 6, 2002

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